Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Basics...or as far as it is translated correctly

I had the hanker, the hanker for chocolate. I fed the hanker. I did not leave unsatisfied.

After doing some online reading I decided it's time to delve into the world of great hot chocolate within my own kitchen.

"What have you done!"
            I've made...Hot chocolate:
                                    heavy whipping cream
                                    a bar of amazing chocolate (I used 70% cocoa)
                                    sea salt (the salt makes the sweetness come out)

1) Ganche is the bedrock of awesome
     Ganache is a rich chocolate mixture usually used to make decadent frosting, however, we'll use it the way nature intended.
     Fill a pot about 1/3 full of water and bring to a simmer
     Sit a metal bowl on top of the pot, it's important that the bowl does not touch the water
     Chop up your bar of chocolate and put it in the bowl, stir until liquidized
     Stir in a cup of heavy cream, continue to add cream until you have something that looks
        more like really really thick soup than frosting
     Put bowl aside and prepare yourself for chocolate
     You have created the bedrock of deliciousness!

2) ...I'll be back to finish

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My sorrid past with hot chocolate: part 1

Hot chocolate can be a fickle friend.... It dresses up nice. It Smells inviting. It even Promises to warm you up on a chilly day.

You say, "OK my friend liquid chocolate. We will dance."

However your friend liquid chocolate often lashes out, due to poor upbringing and too much unsupervised time in front of the television, he scalds you. Yes that right. Burn by chocolate. Not only does he burn you ,but he even has the audacity to burn you on your tongue, effectively destroying any culinary enjoyment for any given amount of time.

"Oh Chocolate, Why!"

I think I could handle burn by cooking oil, molten lava, fire, rug, freezer, and even chemical, but burn by chocolate feels too much like betrayal.

Issue 1: Chocolate you are just Too hot - "You were supposed to love me...!"

Solution 1: Cool it down - No one likes the feel of numb dying polyps on the tip of their tongue. Be kind to your friends. Don't heat the hot chocolate up so much or at least give it enough cooling time so as to be enjoyed and not endured. Never bring hot chocolate or any of the ingredients to a boil.

Eat more chocolate, eat less cocaine...The Beginning

"Well Mark, Why hot chocolate?"
Because, my adoring audience, because....

Frankly, since I don't drink coffee or wine I figured I might as well become a conosuer of something. After all, if I want to be able to hang out with all those trendy indie rock types I've better have something sophisticated and artsy to talk about between looking hip and playing melancholy music.Since I love indie rock and don't live near a thrift store I knew something drastic needed to happen in my life.

The decisive moment:

The Mrs and I were in the midst of a very hip french themed dinner night with a couple of long time friends. A single candle was lit and the conversation drifted between the topics of chocolate, fair trade procedures, human trafficking, and cocaine vs chocolate in Peru.

   Me: "Isn't that so trendy that a bunch of farmers with chocolate bars are taking out drug lords."
   My Friend: "I just feel so sensitive to that."
   My Friends Friend: "Do you like my peacoat and long hair"
   Me: "Yes, I do Shaun."
   My Wife's friend: "Eat more chocolate! Eat less cocaine!"

 My mind whirled...   Eat more chocolate.
                                               Yes I can do that!
                 Eat less cocaine..       
                                        ...can do!

And since it often snows through July where we're from what a better form of chocolate...... than hot.
